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joanteno | all galleries >> Portraits of Family and Friends >> September 2006 Trip to RI - > pbase Fran and Java 1 September 3 2006.jpg
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pbase Fran and Java 1 September 3 2006.jpg

My Neice Fran and Java on September 3 2006

Nikon D70
1/40s f/3.2 at 50.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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JW05-Sep-2006 20:39
Wow! Such 'punchy' colours and great expressions
Guest 04-Sep-2006 12:05
Wonderful, the eyes are so expressive! On both of them!
QUERIDO04-Sep-2006 06:24
very nice shot,GMV
Scott Nickell03-Sep-2006 23:48
Hi Joan, Great galleries. I love your lab photos. I have 2 Chocolates myself. How is Java's friend, Mollie?
Guest 03-Sep-2006 23:16
lovely portrait
Manny03-Sep-2006 20:40
great capture.
Jackdad03-Sep-2006 19:15
nice shot of the friends. :-)
nordic03-Sep-2006 17:00
Blathermore 03-Sep-2006 16:52
Super Portrait! What a winner!
ewa toll03-Sep-2006 16:47
beautiful shot
Linda Alstead03-Sep-2006 16:29
aaahhhhh - two sweeties
Bill Warren03-Sep-2006 16:17
Dogs best friend.
Big Mike03-Sep-2006 15:40
Beautiful shot and she has such a wonderful smile... gmv!