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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> Primary Color: It all about Color > Pbase Times 4 the Un 29 day June 24 2005 London UK.jpg
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Pbase Times 4 the Un 29 day June 24 2005 London UK.jpg

London, England

Time again for the Un 29 day. Hm Boy did this year go fast.

I am so fortunate to be in London at posh hotel with great view. The hotel upgraded me to a suite in honor of my B-day. Wow! Wonderful Indian food for Dinner. My family arrive in the morning for a week holiday.

Thanks for all the comments, encouragement, and inspiration - I am amazed by the talent and wit on PBASE.

Carol, Jack, Fran, and Joan - YOU are the BEST!

June 24 2006

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad01-Jul-2006 19:35
Happy Un29th Birthday!
JW26-Jun-2006 21:36
Belated happy birthday! Super colours here
Sheila26-Jun-2006 06:46
Happy Birthday! Wow on the colours again! Stunning.
ewa toll25-Jun-2006 18:34
wow nice shot
Guest 25-Jun-2006 01:38
Happy Birthday!
stunning colors and pattern.
Nicki Thurgar24-Jun-2006 21:34
Happy Birthday in London and great colours for the shot!
Linda Alstead24-Jun-2006 20:49
happy birthday - and what a lovely colourful shot to celebrate
Zak24-Jun-2006 19:20
very colourful! Happy Birthday!
Al Varland24-Jun-2006 19:13
Yes Joan, Happy Un-Birthday...Have a wonderful vacation, we are enjoying your photos from there!
Guest 24-Jun-2006 17:59
smashing color and design!
Antonis Sarantos24-Jun-2006 17:16
Excellent use of colour!
Pic Chick24-Jun-2006 17:16
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love this shot - the color and lines are excellent.
Glad you're enjoying your holidays!