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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> java_2005 > Java at 2 march 31 2005 p.jpg
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Java at 2 march 31 2005 p.jpg

Panasonic DMC-LC1
1/125s f/4.0 at 9.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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joanteno31-Mar-2005 22:16
Thanks for your kind words. Java is my third labrador retriever. Each have been very unique - he is very sweet boy. However, he always must have something in his mouth. Right now, "piggy" is his constant companion. Literally, he will carry piggy for two miles only putting down is I stop too long to take a picture. I feel very fortunate that he "owns" me.
Guest 31-Mar-2005 18:15
Awww, the birthday boy. This is a lovely image. Piggy cracks me up, though.