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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2011 - Calendar 2012 Gallery > pbase near stalker 1753 April 2011 1 of 1.jpg
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pbase near stalker 1753 April 2011 1 of 1.jpg

The view near Castle Stalker -

So I am working through my vacation shots - thus, I will be Post Processing a picture a day ..

Shirley MacLaine stated that she has a wall of photographs so she can enliven the memories..

Leica M9
1/180s f/6.7 at 90.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Karen Stuebing12-Apr-2011 11:48
Lovely fog lifting into the sky. I would have a wall of these vacation pics too. V.
regi olbrechts12-Apr-2011 06:47
Superb atmospherical composition.
Johnny JAG12-Apr-2011 04:52
Great moody landscape
Coleen Perilloux Landry12-Apr-2011 00:21
This is very beautiful and wonderful photographic work. V