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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> sunrises in 2011 > pbase vs 2 of doggie walk path 1911 1 of 1.jpg
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pbase vs 2 of doggie walk path 1911 1 of 1.jpg

More snow, icy roads - thus I took a quick drive on my usual dog walking route to go to warren - to walk on the sidewalk. Even then, it was short walk because it was so cold. Few other shots (note are posted on my smug mug account).

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One of my favorite doorways on a side street in Warren RI

Leica M9
1/180s f/6.7 at 28.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Bryan Murahashi10-Jan-2011 03:37
Beautiful touch of colors in this very Wintery scene. V
Jackdad09-Jan-2011 19:23
it does look cold, but what a beautiful sunrise.
Johnny JAG09-Jan-2011 17:14
It looks as cold as here!
Love the first alt shot.