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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Moki the Black Lab >> Moki Puppy Pictures >> Moki the Puppy Summer > pbase Incoming attack Moki Java Week 3 DSC_6581.jpg
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pbase Incoming attack Moki Java Week 3 DSC_6581.jpg

pbase Incoming attack Moki Java Week 3 DSC_6581.jpg

Nikon D300
1/60s f/5.6 at 280.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Gail Davison21-Jun-2008 18:34
I keep coming back to this one Joan... Soooo funny and cute.
Pic Chick20-Jun-2008 01:37
Oh SERIOUSLY! This shot is fabulous! I love the look on Java's face as Moki comes wheeling in to play! Beautiful!!