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joanteno | all galleries >> Scenes from Rhode Island >> Barrington RI > pbase Feb 11 2007 Frozen .jpg
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pbase Feb 11 2007 Frozen .jpg

Warren River Frozen over..

Canon PowerShot G7
1/80s f/3.5 at 22.0mm hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time10-Feb-2007 07:56:22
ModelCanon PowerShot G7
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length22 mm
Exposure Time1/80 sec
ISO Equivalent
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Program
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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ewa toll12-Feb-2007 19:16
nice shot
Guest 11-Feb-2007 21:11
Great shot, like the captured leaf...v
Jackdad11-Feb-2007 17:55
love the way the warm tones contrast with the frozen ice. very creative.
Johnny JAG11-Feb-2007 17:25
Lovely composition.
Bryan Ramsay11-Feb-2007 17:03
It hard to comment after Gayle's comments from the warm south ;o) This is a great shot of the early morning light, I'll bet it was a bit chilly. Nicely done! -BJ
Gayle P. Clement11-Feb-2007 15:09
Brrr! Great winter shot.
Sheila11-Feb-2007 14:39
Like an ancient sculpture!
Great capture.