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Java and mollie Feb 28 2006.jpg

Query - Is it instinct or some level of "feeling" ?

Mollie, my 12 year old chocolate lab, has been loosing weight and
we found a tumor in her mouth. It has that rock hard cancer
feeling to it.

Here is my query - over the past several weeks - Jave has been hanging
onto Mollie. This is a new behavior. Usually, he cuddles with a stuffe toy. Now,
it is Mollie. So is this instinct -- pack behavior? Or, does Java
have some intuitive sence that something is not right.

Pictures of Mollie and Java

Leica D-Lux 2
1/30s f/4.9 at 6.3mm iso100 with Flash hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time28-Feb-2006 06:50:26
Flash UsedYes
Focal Length6.3 mm
Exposure Time1/30 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias
White Balance (4)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Naomi 13-Dec-2006 14:06
I've heard stories like this before. Dogs do seem to have a special sense of such things, I believe. Hope all is well.
Atle Larsen18-Mar-2006 14:12
What a lovely picture. And I just know that these two know each other well enough to know that something is wrong, looks abit sad.
JW03-Mar-2006 07:11
Sorry to hear this news. Animals sense stuff that doesn't appear on the scientific radar. Fingers crossed eh?
Jackdad01-Mar-2006 23:00
a very tender photograph. so sorry to hear about the lump - you must be
so upset. i hope it turns out to be benign. i am quite sure that Java
knows about the tumour - dogs seem to have an extra sense for these things.
Johnny JAG01-Mar-2006 20:17
Poor Mollie, hope she's ok. Our Holly is very cuddly if anyone round here is poorly, Java must know all isn't well.
Sharon Rogers01-Mar-2006 17:19
Java knows. I have heard about dogs being trained to sniff out skin cancer. Best wishes to you and Mollie.
molly b 01-Mar-2006 13:04
Java knows, it was clear to me just looking at the pic something was wrong - hadn't even read the text yet.
ewa toll01-Mar-2006 09:12
I'm sure they know something's wrong ! This picture is so tender and at the same time it makes me almost cry .
Bryan Murahashi01-Mar-2006 05:52
Sorry to hear about Mollies illness. Nice to see the closeness between the two.
Greg Harp01-Mar-2006 05:40
I hope that Mollie is OK. Dogs do have a special sense. Just saw a news story about using dogs to detect cancer & other illnesses in people--they're very accurate.
Karen Leaf01-Mar-2006 03:24
OH NO!!!
I sincerely hope all is well Joan, but I firmly believe that dogs - esp Labs--- know when something is not right.
Thoughts are with you.
Gayle P. Clement01-Mar-2006 03:11
I hope things are allright. They certainly seem close.
stevephoto01-Mar-2006 03:04
It would be my guess that Java senses something is wrong. Hopefully it is fixable.
Sheila01-Mar-2006 00:11
Oh, I hope it's not cancer Joan.