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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> sunrises in 2011 > pbase sunrise 2nd beach 2 2-26-11 1 of 1.jpg
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pbase sunrise 2nd beach 2 2-26-11 1 of 1.jpg

Far to long for witnessing the beauty of sunrise on second beach..
Other shots on my smugmug account

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Leica M9
1/180s f/8.0 at 28.0mm iso800 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time26-Feb-2011 06:08:35
MakeLeica Camera AG
ModelM9 Digital Camera
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length28 mm
Exposure Time1/180 sec
ISO Equivalent800
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Modecenter weighted (2)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
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ewa toll27-Feb-2011 08:27
Bryan Ramsay27-Feb-2011 05:25
Very nice Joan! -BJ
...duncan26-Feb-2011 19:43
some beautiful shots
Jackdad26-Feb-2011 17:57
stunning foreglow Joan
laine26-Feb-2011 16:34
Love the intense colours in each one but this first one is my fave!