Message from Erin McNally
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Aloha, and welcome to my gallery. My name is Erin McNally and I am very lucky to live in two of the most beautiful places on earth. Maui, Hawaii has been my home for over 35 years and most recently, Arizona. The diversity of landscape from our coastal beaches to our mountain rainforests, the various wildlife and assorted range of interesting flowers have provided an array of subject matter and backdrops for me to explore through photography. I am certainly not short of subject matter. When I'm not in Hawaii or Arizona, you can find me exploring the glob, is still possible to get lost and I recommend doing so while you still can. I have enjoyed building my galleries to share with you all that I have created to date and it is my privilege to share them with you, enjoy.
Update: Recently received the artist recognition award at Art Maui 2008. The Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts purchased "Polipoli Kakahiaka" (Polipoli Morning) to add to their collection and will be part of their arts in public places program. A show called "Accession" will feature the piece at the Hawaii State Art Museum starting September 5th. Also place 1st and 2nd in Photo Maui and I'm working with a publishing company to publish an interactive children's book called "The Floral Alphabet Book," using photographs of flowers from Hawaii that are shaped like the letters of the Alphabet. Thanks to everyone who have been so encouraging of me over the past few years, I look foreword to all the adventures ahead.
Critiques, feedback and comments are welcome. I would also like to send a big Mahalo to the community here at pbase for sharing such wonderful works, inspiring each of us to continue to explore the field of photography expressed through our own unique creativity.
All images © by Erin McNally 1990-2021: Use of any image without permission is strictly forbidden. All Right Reserved.
If you have any enquiries about the availability of any of my photographs, for print or personal use, please email me at, or visit my gallery "Cards & Prints for Purchase." Mahalo Nui Loa - Thank you very much.
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